We believe as lovers of Jesus, we are called to be deeply rooted in Christ. When we as human beings have access to His living water, we can be filled to the fullness of God. Our hope is to create a safe place for people to come and experience the Father. For us to be a community of people whose desire is to be intimate with the Father and to be deeply rooted in His love for us. Therefore, we added a tree to always remind us where our roots should be deeply planted.
We feel coffee is the segue.
People naturally commune and fellowship around coffee. It brings people together. It unites us as one body. We see the coffee house as a gathering hall for people of different backgrounds, ages and walks of life to commune together as the Body of Christ. We already use coffee shops all over the country as a place to meet with friends, study, have work meetings, or to go and just be.
Therefore, we feel the Lord is asking us to create a gathering place for Him and His people. A place where His Presence is always welcomed. A place where no matter who you are, what you have done in your life, or the mistakes you have made ~ you are always welcome. A safe place to come receive prayer, encounter the Father and commune together around something we already fellowship around ~ coffee.